Husband & father to 3 perfect girls. Mathematics graduate and full-time software engineer.
Typically, when designing a messaging system you choose an open standard for events to conform to, such as JSON or XML. This way,...
Azure Event Grid is a server-less message router. It provides a place for event publishers to send messages to (a topic), and pushes events to...
Logstash is a data processing pipeline that allows you to collect data from various sources, then transform and send it to a destination. It is most...
What happens when a parcel cannot be delivered? There might be an attempt to retry delivery a few times. The customer might get notified after 3...
Like any beast in Azure, learning about Event Grid quickly turns into a game of buzzword bingo. Lots of new words that actually represent something...
GitLab pages serves files under a public directory. If, like me, you are using GitLab pages to serve a static site (maybe it’s a SPA or just vanilla...